
Karen Knorr (USA/UK) was born in Germany and grew up in San Juan Puerto Rico in the 1960’s. She is Emerita of Photography at the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, UK. Her studio is based in London. She is on the steering committee of Fast Forward Women in Photography at University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, UK.

Karen Knorr’s photography explores cultural heritage and its ideological underpinnings. Questions concerning post colonialism and its relationship to aesthetics have permeated her photographic work since the 1980’s. Her acclaimed work India Song researched the stories and myths of India, photographing animals and placing them in temples and palaces across heritage sites in India. Karen Knorr won the V International Photography Pilar Citoler Prize in 2010. She has been nominated for the Deutsche Börse in 2011 and 2012 and Prix Pictet in 2012 and 2018. Karen Knorr’s work is included in collections worldwide including Moma (San Francisco), The Museum of Fine Art (Houston), Museum of Art and Photography (Bangalore), Tate Museum (London) and Pompidou Museum (Paris).

Karen Knorr is an advocate for diversity and inclusivity in photography. She is honorary chairwoman for Women in Photography at the Royal Photographic Society and on the steering committee of Fast Forward Women in Photography  and a friend of AWARE, the online women’s artist index.

She has been supporting several causes and charitable institutions including Artist Support Pledge, Blank White Space, Trace, Trussell Trust, The Photographers’ Gallery, The Centre for British Photography, Chiswick House and Gardens, Pitzhangar Manor, Royal Academy Schools, Women in Photography, Royal Photographic Society, and more recently LA Fire Relief and Fast Forward Women in Photography.   

Recent publications include with Gost, Questions After Brecht (2020) which raises questions about architectural space and the reification of labour during the redesign of La Samaritaine (2021) in Paris by the Japanese group Sanaa. A book project with Kehrer entitled Connoisseurs & Academies (1986–2005) and Country Life (1983–1985) were published by Stanley Barker in Spring 2024 and launched at Photo London 2024.

In 2024 Sundaram Tagore Gallery held a solo exhibition of Knorr’s work, Karen Knorr: Intersections, which showcased works from Knorr’s brand-new series Scavi, as well as recent additions to India Song and Fables alongside historical analog photographs from Knorr’s groundbreaking work from the 1980s and ’90s. Knorr is showing some of her 1980’s work, Gentlemen (1981–1983) in the current exhibition at Tate Britain, Photographing 80’s Britain: A Critical Decade, 21 November 2024–5 May 2025. Karen Knorr will have solo exhibition at Matmut Centre D’Art Contemporain de la Matmut in Saint- Pierre de Varengeville, France, opening 7 February 2025.




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by Studio Mothership


Danziger Gallery
New York

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New York, New York 10011 USA
tel: 212.629.6778
email: info@danzigerprojects.com


Augusta Edwards Fine Art

4 Cromwell Place
London SW7 2JE, UK
tel: +44 20 8057 1830
mobile: +44 74 9106 3736
email: augusta@augustaedwards.com


Holden Luntz Gallery
Palm Beach, Florida

332 Worth Avenue
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
tel: 561.805.9550
email: info@holdenluntz.com


Filles du Calvaire

17 Rue des Filles du Calvaire
Paris 75003 FRANCE
tel: 33 (0)1 42 74 47 05
fax 33 (0)1 42 74 47 06
email: info@fillesducalvaire.com


Jackson Fine Art

3115 East Shadowlawn Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30305
tel: +1 404 233 3739
email: info@jacksonfineart.com



Via Tiburtina, 149
00185 Roma, ITALY
tel: 39 33 35 24 74 10
email: contact@materiagallery.com


Sundaram Tagore Gallery

5 Lock Road 01-05
Gillman Barracks
Singapore 108933
tel: +65 6694 3378
email: singapore@sundaramtagore.com

New York, Chelsea

547 West 27th Street
New York, NY 10001
tel. +1-212-677-4520
email: gallery@sundaramtagore.com

White Conduit Projects

1 White Conduit Street
London N1 9EL, UK
tel: +44 (0) 775 448 6068
email: info@whiteconduitprojects.uk


