Karen Knorr at Ethics Excess Extinction


Friday, January 26 – Sunday, May 13

El Paso Museum of Art
One Arts Festival Plaza
El Paso, TX 79901
Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Gallery 

This is the first presentation ever of a new groundbreaking exhibition in which contemporary art speaks in creative and compelling ways to the timely issue of endangered animals. The international array of major artists includes several Americans who work in diverse media and variously use poetry, pathos, and sometimes the grotesque to evoke the plight of threatened species. Themes range from poaching and pollution to broader concepts such as our psychological bonds with animals.

At a time when science teaches us more than ever about the interconnectedness of the global environment, these artists remind us of our intimate connections with animals as well as our complicity in their suffering. ETHICS EXCESS EXTINCTION was organized by Art Works for Change in Oakland, California.