Karen Knorr Exhibits and Participates at Paris Photo 2018 with Augusta EdwardsStand D37 and Path Elles X Paris Photo
November 8–11, 2018
Grand Palais
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris
Karen Knorr will be showing black and white 1980’s work including Country Life, a series she made in 1983-1985, in a presentation by Augusta Edwards Fine Art at stand D37. Karen Knorr’s work from Belgravia will appear in PATHS ELLES X PARIS PHOTO, selected historical and contemporary examples of women in photography curated by Fannie Escoulen.
Karen Knorr, together with a group of artists and photographers, will join Marie Docher with the reading of #LaPartDesFemmes: A manifesto for equal opportunity in photography during conversations organised and presented by Fannie Escoulen at Paris Photo on November 8 at 14:15.