Karen Knorr at Revolt & Revolutions

Karen Knorr & Olivier Richon

Revolt & Revolutions:
An Arts Council Collection National Partner Exhibition

Bothy Gallery

Yorkshire Sculpture Park
West Bretton
Wakefield WF4 4LG
Tel +44 (0)1924 832631

6 Jan–15 Apr 2018

Creativity has long been associated with vanguard ideas: art and music can give a voice to the unheard, power to the vulnerable and celebrate the human capacity for positive action, even in adversity. 

A series of sculptures and prints from the mid-1970s, around the time of YSP’s inception, highlight the volatile environment of the era and the rise of anti-capitalist, punk and do-it-yourself movements.  The works in this exhibition, drawn primarily from the Arts Council Collection, give insight into some of the counter-culture and anti-establishment movements of recent decades alongside work by artists who seek to make a difference, helping to suggest ways that we might contribute to change on an individual, community and even global level.