Photographic Futures
Panel Discussion Presented by
RPS Women in Photography
19 January, 6:30–8pm
Conway Hall, LondonPlease join Karen Knorr this Saturday (19 January) for the panel discussion ‘Photographic Futures’ at Conway Hall. The discussion is presented by RPS Women in Photography as part of the programme of events for the exhibition, “When Women Gather…” by Grace Gelder, photographer-in-residence at Conway Hall.
The panel will be made up of: two photographers, Karen Knorr HonFRPS and Maryam Wahid; an educator using photography in her practice, Grace Gelder; a curator, Laura Noble; and will be chaired by Marianne Mulvey.
More information and link to book tickets can be found on the Royal Photographic Society’s website.
Conway Hall Library
25 Red Lion Square
London WC1R 5RL