The Wedding Guests, Belgravia Room, 2015
The Peers of the Realm, Entrance Hall, 2015
Hide and Seek, The Withdrawing Room, 2015
The Lady in Waiting, Royal Entrance, 2015
The Wedding Party, Belgravia Room, 2015
The Wedding Photographer, Reception Room, 2015
The Visitor, Withdrawing Room, 2015

The Lanesborough 2015

“The Lanesborough” (once a hospital closed in the 1990’s) is one of the most expensive hotels in the world, where the wealthy 1% strive to live the celebrity lifestyle. Rooms come with butlers and the hotel is a themed fantasy palace where the special few can find happiness and fulfil all their desires of a perfect weekend in London. The animals here are undressed to kill and are all very willing subjects for Knorr’s camera. They pose, fly, flaunt their jewellery and royal connections who live down Buckingham Palace Road. This work emerged out of commission for Departures (2015) and is a playful satire on how to aspire to be rich rich and happy in a very exclusive part of town: Belgravia.