Karen Knorr: Migrations
21 September–16 November
Sundaram Tagore Singapore
Gillman Barracks
Opening Reception with the Artist: Saturday 21 September, 4–6pm
For her first solo show at Sundaram Tagore Gallery, American/British photographer Karen Knorr presents a specially curated selection of images that explore ideas of migration and multiculturalism. This exhibition brings together several of the artist’s most powerful series, including the acclaimed body of work India Song (2008–2017).
Known for sumptuous imagery of exotic animals digitally fused into opulent architectural settings, Knorr’s work is as multifaceted and culturally diverse as the artist herself. Born in Frankfurt and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Knorr finished her education in Paris before settling in London, where she currently resides. Throughout her career, Knorr has used video and photography as a method of critical inquest, employing opulent palaces, temples, museums and monuments of Asia and Western Europe to frame issues of power and class structure rooted in cultural heritage. Rather than focus on the dispossessed, Knorr aims her lens at the privileged class, the comparatively few who are in charge.
Knorr will also be showing photographs from Metamorphoses (2014–2018), a series set among the breathtaking villas and palaces of Italy. Additionally, on view will be images from The Lanesborough (2015), a series shot in what used to be a hospital but is now one of the most expensive hotels in the world. Here, Knorr wryly parodies the notion of living well in the most exclusive and aspirational locale in London.
“In photography storytellers have a fundamental role,” says Knorr. “They exist in order to explain our world and our place within it, encouraging us to develop as individuals, to discover meaning, and to teach future generations. They also create argument, discussion and debate about how to live the good life.”
For more information email press@sundaramtagore.com or call +1-212-677-4520.